Programme Structure

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Programme Aims and Objectives

To provide solid training in the theory, aesthetics, history and cultural knowledge related to theatre studies.

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this Minor Programme, students should be able to﹕

1. Demonstrate familiarity with basic elements of stage-craft and perform creative or technical tasks in one or more specialized areas in small-scale theatrical productions;

2. Evaluate their own experience and articulate their views of the theatre in a clear, rational and theoretical manner;

3. Critically analyse theatrical performances in terms of their artistic, social and cultural significance;

4. Demonstrate enhanced communication and interpersonal skills and team spirit.


All UGC-funded undergraduate students

Curriculum Structure
(For 2021-22 bulletin and after)1

There will be 15 units for the entire minor, and each student has to take 5 courses, including 1 required and 4 elective courses. At least one of the four elective courses must be at the upper level (Level 3 or 4).

Required Course:
HUMN 2027 Introduction to the Art of Theatre
3 units
Elective Courses:
Any 4 elective courses; at least one of the four elective courses must be at Level 3 or above.
12 units
15 units

Course List
(For 2021-22 bulletin and after)

There will be 15 units for the entire minor, and each student has to take 5 courses. We will keep HUMN 2027Introductionto the Art of Theatre as a required course.As for electives, they will be divided into 2 groups.

Part 1: Required course

i)HUMN 2027 Introduction to the Art of Theatre

Part 2: Elective courses (A)

These are divided into 2 groups. Students have to take 2 courses from either Group 1 or Group 2 so that they canspecialise either in theory or practice:

Group 1: Theoretical Courses


HUMN 3086 Tragedy: Idea and History


HUMN 4056 Comedy: Idea and History


RELI 4076 Great Plays and Philosophy


ENGL.3405 Shakespeare as Dramatist


CHIL 4096 中國現當代文學專題研究――中國戲劇

Group 2: Practical Courses


HUMN 4055 Directing: from Text to Stage


HUMN 3085 Acting: Theories and Practice


HUMN 3077 Playwriting for Drama


CHIL 4105 Special Topics in Chinese CriticalTheory(Modern Literature)


WRIT 3015 Scriptwriting for Theatre

Courses (vii) to (x) will be taught by professional practitioners as part-time teachers.

Part 3: Elective courses (B)

For the remaining 2 courses, students have to take 1 course from Part 2 (either Group1or Group2), and 1 course from Part
3 listed below:

Group 1: Theoretical Courses

xii) CHIL 2035 Art of Kunqu  *

xiii) CHIL 3056 Special Topics in Chinese Arts and Chinese Literature*

xiv) CHIL4066 Classical Chinese Drama *

xv) CHIL 4076 Special Topics in Classical Chinese Fiction and Drama *

xvi) ENGL2036 Pre-Modern Drama

xvii) ENGL3066 Modern and Contemporary Drama

xviii) ENGL 4086 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries

xix) ENGL 4105 Comparative Drama

xx) HUMN 2016 Performing as Human Experience *

xxi) LANG 3007 Modern and Contemporary Theatre: Appreciation and Playwriting

xxii) TRAN 3017 Drama Translation

xxiii) TRAN 3045 Drama and Film Translation3