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Words from the Programme Coordinator, Dr. Wong Kwok Kui

As a playwright myself, I believe that theatre is not only about telling an interesting story on the stage. It also involves different forms of theatre performances, and the cultural, historical and aesthetic knowledge and practical experience about these theatre forms. Theatre education should enrich students about them.

Therefore, I am very excited and proud to be able to play a role in reforming and designing our theatre minor programme. Our idea is to provide solid training in theory and practice in theatre. It emphasizes not only the textual side of theatre works and their interpretations, but also on the performative side like acting, directing, staging, design, sound and music, costume, etc. With our strong tradition in theatre studies, a wonderful team of professional teachers, and very keen and dedicated students, I believe that the Baptist University will play a key role in theatre education in Hong Kong.

「生死去來,棚頭傀儡;一線斷時,落落磊磊。」日本能劇大師世阿彌(Zeami Motokiyo, c. 1363 – c. 1443)曾經引用這首詩﹐來比喻戲劇與人生的關係。作為編劇﹐我一直相信﹐不止戲劇反映人生﹐人生也會從戲劇中得到啟發。

